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Pathologist looking in microscope

A TRUS biopsy (transrectal ultrasound biopsy) can be used to produce detailed images of the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. This test is often used to help diagnose prostate cancer, as well as other conditions, such as an enlarged prostate gland or male infertility. It is performed in a clinical setting.

During a TRUS biopsy, a transducer is inserted into the patient’s rectum. This device emits high-frequency sound waves, which travel through the body and, once they come in contact with an internal structure such as the prostate gland, are reflected back to the transducer. As the transducer collects the returning sound waves, a computer turns them into detailed images called sonograms. From there, a surgeon can use the images to guide the placement of a biopsy needle.

Once the surgeon has retrieved cells from several areas in and around the prostate, the TRUS biopsy is complete, and the samples are examined in depth under a microscope. At Moffitt Cancer Center, samples are delivered to our on-site laboratory, where our skilled pathologists determine:

  • Whether cancer is present
  • What grade to assign the tumor based on its size, extent and whether the tumor was visible on the transrectal ultrasound images
  • The patient’s Gleason score

If the results of a patient’s TRUS biopsy indicate that cancer is present, a team of surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, laboratory specialists and other medical professionals will meet to recommend the best possible treatment options for the patient. We offer a comprehensive range of prostate cancer surgery and other therapies in the same location, and our tumor board monitors each patient’s progress on a weekly basis.

check mark symbol Medically reviewed by Monica Chatwal, MD, Genitourinary Oncology Program

Patients do not need to obtain a referral to visit Moffitt. To learn more about TRUS biopsy and the advanced imaging tools we use to detect prostate cancer, call 1-888-663-3488 or request to schedule a visit online.

Prostate Cancer