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CRASH Score:

This score stratifies patients in four risk categories of severe toxicity. Reference for derivation and validation results: Extermann et al. Cancer, Epub Nov 9, 2011. Formal clinical applications of the score still need to be studied.

Downloadable documents:

CIRS-G Calculator
This calculator is based on Miller et al. Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-Geriatric: Miller et al., Psychiatry Res, 41,237-48, 1992. We corrected some discrepancies in the manual and added some comments. Pubmed ID: 1594710

Downloadable documents:

Low Neutropenia Risk Calculator:

If the MAX2 of the chemotherapy is <0.20 and the patient had no 1st cycle neutropenia, then the risk of G4 neutropenia in the subsequent cycles is <5%, and the risk of febrile neutropenia <1.5%. Ref: Janssen-Heijnen et al., Crit Rev Oncol Hematol, e-pub Aug 2, 2010. Pubmed ID: 20685130

SAOP2 Screening Questionnaire:

This short screening questionnaire is the questionnaire we use for new patients in the Senior Adult Oncology Program until 2019, before updating to SAOP3. It is aimed at defining who needs a multidisciplinary evaluation by a geriatric oncology team. Its sensitivity/specifity performance can be found in: Extermann, Evaluation of the senior cancer patient: Comprehensive geriatric assessment: Screening tools for the elderly. Handbook of cancer in the senior patient, Schrijvers D, Aapro M, Zakotnik B, Audisio R, van Halteren H, Hurria A eds. Informa Healthcare, New York, NY. 2010. pp 13-21. See also Russo et al., Oncotarget 2018 in the citation list.

Downloadable forms along with instructions for use:

SAOP3 screening questionnaire:

This version of the SAOP screening questionnaire is an updated version of the SAOP2, presently in use throughout Moffitt Cancer Center. The first questions of the Mini-Mental Status have been replaced with the Mini-COG, a more recent instrument with excellent screening properties. The scoring rules are now on the questionnaires with suggestions for a next step. The suggestions can be adapted to the local context.

Electronic versions: The SAOP3 questionnaire exists in iPad version and in Powerchart version. If interested, please contact Dr. Extermann.

Citation list for SAOP Tools