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Gym facility at PEARL

Precision cancer interception is a new paradigm that actively combats cancer at earlier points via personalized prevention, screening and treatment based on a person’s unique biological and behavioral characteristics. Moffitt Cancer Center is a world leader in precision cancer interception research. To advance this area, Moffitt created a cutting-edge research facility, Population Engagement and Research Laboratory (PEARL).

What is cancer interception?

Cancer interception is the active way of combating cancer at earlier and earlier stages. Moffitt focuses on precision cancer interception by developing personalized approaches for prevention, screening, and treatment based on a person’s unique characteristics. We take a holistic approach that considers a person’s biology, lifestyle, social context, and environment to identify those at high risk of cancer development or progression who can benefit from active intervention.

PEARL expands precision interception research across the cancer continuum, providing a national model for transdisciplinary, multi-level research that can improve health equity and cancer-related outcomes.

Goal: To promote cancer interception strategies through the provision of state-of-the-art facilities and resources that cultivate collaborative, multi-disciplinary, translational research in collaboration with our patients and community.

Vision: To advance innovative research to actively combat cancer development and progression, inspired by the needs of our community.

PEARL is a state-of-the-art research facility that includes:

Monitored participant assessment rooms and research-dedicated exam rooms – support person-centered research of:

  • New digital technologies such as augmented or virtual reality
  • Smoking behavior research using our negative pressure ventilation system
  • Behavioral, biological, functional, physical, cognitive, psychological, and physiological assessments
  • Intervention delivery, including cancer prevention trials of HPV vaccines and botanicals

Research kitchen/dining room and exercise facilities – support group and individual dietary and exercise interventions to:

  • Understand behavioral and biological aspects of weight management and nutrition in cancer interception
  • Understand how physical activity and resistance training can improve outcomes in those with and without cancer

Body composition assessment using novel technologies – supports evaluation of how obesity and cachexia influence cancer-related outcomes by measuring metabolic function and distribution of body fat and muscle

Dedicated community collaboration rooms – provide a welcoming space to host and learn from our patients and community partners


Contact information:
Moffitt Research Center - PEARL
13131 USF Magnolia Drive
Tampa, FL 33612

Reference: Blackburn E. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011;4(6):787-792. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-11-0195