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By Martha Abrahamsen | Center for Infection Research in Cancer

After 12 years, a significant study at Moffitt has come to an end.

In 2004, our Center for Infection Research in Cancer, led by Dr. Anna Giuliano, began the Natural History of HPV Infection in Men Study, or HIM study for short. The main reason for the study was to better understand the natural history of HPV infection in men, its subsequent correlation with cancer and to learn more about the factors that make this infection so common. 

This was a large international study that took place at Moffitt, as well as clinics in Brazil and Mexico. Overall, there were a total of 4,299 men, ages 18-70, enrolled in the study. 

The HIM study has greatly contributed to our researchers’ understanding of the cancer-causing agents behind HPV infection at multiple anatomic sites in men; most notably at anogenital sites. The findings will help will help improve the health of both men and women worldwide. 

The HIM study is also responsible for providing supportive data for two FDA indications of the 4-valent HPV Vaccine among males, and generated 66 peer-reviewed journal articles.