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Melanoma CoE Retreat 2019

The Donald A. Adam Melanoma and Skin Cancer Center of Excellence hosted a scientific retreat for faculty on June 17 at the Tampa Palms Golf and Country Club. More than 40 members of the CoE arrived to hear about the latest in translational melanoma and skin cancer research from their fellow faculty. The goal of the meeting was to identify new areas of research in areas of urgent clinical need and to form new collaborations between basic scientists and clinicians. 

Melanoma CoE Award Winner Dr. Jane MessinaThe evening began with introductions and a recap of the year's successes from the CoE leaders Drs. Keiran Smalley and Kenneth Tsai. To kick things off, they also presented Dr. Jane Messina with the Collaborator of the Year award (at right).

The CoE leadership then outlined a new pipeline for moving new basic science ideas into the clinic that will be rolled out shortly. 

Presentations were delivered on the "State of Melanoma and Skin Cancer Clinical Research," on "Basic Science Projects: Focus on ideas we want to move into the clinic," and on "Population Science and New Technologies." Dr. Susan Vadaparampil also took to the podium for a brief discussion on community outreach.