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The Urologic Oncology Fellowship at Moffitt Cancer Center is a two-year program, composed of one year of research and one year of clinical experience, accredited by the Society of Urologic Oncology. The research year involves clinical, translational and/or bench research. The clinical year involves a broad experience in all aspects of genitourinary oncology including a hands-on experience in complex and open, minimally invasive and robotic surgery. The majority of the clinical activity is performed at Moffitt Cancer Center and outpatient clinics and surgical centers, however a small fraction of complex operations that require cardiothoracic and/or vascular surgical support are done at the affiliate site, Tampa General Hospital.

The Moffitt Cancer Center SUO fellowship was started in 2009 with one fellow per year and has subsequently expanded to a three fellow per year program. The fellowship has five full-time faculty members who comprise the highest surgical volume by the department in the institute. The faculty members perform over 700 major operations per year and over 900 endoscopic operations per year.

Moffitt Cancer Center is the only NCI-designate Comprehensive Cancer Center based in the state of Florida. The Genitourinary Program is a national leader in urologic malignancies with faculty that chair and participate in national guideline committees. Ongoing research within the program includes investigator-initiated trials, industry-sponsored trials and cooperative group trials.

Tampa General Hospital is a 1,011-bed hospital and a regional trauma center. Typically high-level IVC thrombus cases that require cardiothoracic and/or cardiothoracic surgery support as well as patients with high-risk cardiovascular disease will often have operations at this facility. Fellows will undergo the credentialing process in order to participate in these complex cases.

Application Process

Graduates of an ACGME (or equivalent) Urology residency training program are eligible to apply. This program does not sponsor visas. 

How to Apply

  1. A completed application form
  2. Current CV
  3. A letter of recommendation from the director of your Urology residency program sent directly to our program
  4. Two additional letters of recommendation from physicians of your choice addressed to the fellowship director
  5. Medical school transcripts and (optional) USMLE scores
  6. Personal Statement
  7. Current photo

Submit this information to:

Jamie Harrington, Education Coordinator


Year 1

The research year is composed of one year of clinical, translational, and/or bench research. As per SUO guidelines each fellow is responsible for writing and submitting one clinical trial protocol during their research year. At the conclusion of the research year, the fellows are embedded into the medical oncology clinic and radiation oncology.

Year 2

The clinical year is composed of four-week block rotations by surgeon/clinical service leader. Currently, there are four services comprised of one to two surgical faculty members. The three clinical fellows and one chief resident manage each of these services separately covering both clinic and operating room efforts. Four-week rotations are typically comprised of one to two days of clinic and three to four days of operating. The fellows are responsible for managing their respective clinical services and working closely with supporting junior-level resident staff. Fellows also have the opportunity to operate at Tampa General Hospital for complex surgeries involving cardiothoracic surgery and vascular surgery.


Tumor Conference – Weekly tumor conferences that involve multidisciplinary care discussions and a review of current clinical trials.

Morbidity and Mortality – At the conclusion of each rotation, M&M cases are reviewed followed by short evidence-based didactics presented by the fellow or chief resident.

Journal Club – Every other month system-based journal club reviews the most recent pertinent urologic oncology literature as well as previously published seminal articles. Journal Club is concluded by a short didactic from one of the research fellows.

Invited Professorship – The GU program hosts a yearly invited professorship as well as "virtual visiting professorships" . Invited professors are national and international leaders in urologic oncology presenting novel research. Fellows have the opportunity to meet and interact with the visiting professors and are expected to present ongoing research and challenging cases during the didactic sessions.


Program Director
Michael Poch, MD

Associate Program Director

Logan Zemp, MD

Scott Gilbert, MD
Roger Li, MD
Brandon Manley, MD
Michael Poch, MD
Julio Pow-Sang, MD
Wade Sexton, MD
Philippe Spiess, MD
Alice Yu, MD  
Logan Zemp, MD

Incoming Fellows


Adnan Fazili, MD - Ochsner Clinic Foundation  
Seyed Behzad Jazayeri, MD - University of Florida  
Lexiaochuan Wen, MD - Mayo Clinic  

Current Fellows 


Mitchell Hayes, MD -  Oregon Health & Sciences University  
Joshua Linscott, MD, PhD. -  Maine Medical Center  
Hiroko Miyagi, MD -  University of Florida  


Facundo Davaro, MD - St. Louis University  
Prithvi Murthy, MD - Cleveland Clinic  
Taylor Peak, MD - Wake Forest University  

Past Fellows


Andrew Chang, MD - Community - Indiana University
Heather Huelster, MD - Academics - Ochsner Medical Center
Kyle Rose, MD - Academics - Ochsner Medical Center


Nicholas Chakiryan, MD - Academics - Oregon Health & Science University Health
Elizabeth Green-Schiftan, MD - Community/Hybrid - Urologist - Vanderbilt Department of Urology
Lee Hugar, MD - Community - Urologist - Lexington Medical Center


Ali Hajiran, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor & Chief of Urologic Surgery - West Virginia University
Logan Zemp, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor, Urologic Oncology Fellowship - Moffitt Cancer Center


Salim Cheriyan, MD - Community/Hybrid - Assistant Professor - Baylor College of Medicine
Ahmet Murat Aydin, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor - University of Arkansas


Charles (Chas) Peyton, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor, Department of Urology - University of Alabama
Mounsif Azizi, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor,  Urology, Department of Surgery - University of Montreal


Domenic Tang, MD - LUGPA - Urologist - USMD Hospital at Arlington
Juan Chipolino, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor, Department of Urology - University of Arizona


Andrew Leone, MD - Community - Urologist - Bay Pines Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
Greg Diorio, DO - Academics - Cooper University Physician - Cooper University Healthcare


Prenav Sharma, MD – Academics - Texas Tech University
Kamran Zargar, MD -  Associate Professor of Urology -  University of Auckland, NZ  


Gautum Agarwal, MD - Community/Hybrid   - Mercy Clinic Urology - David C. Pratt Cancer Center
St. Louis, MO
Adam Luchey, MD - Academics - Residency Program Director, Urology Residency - West Virginia University Hospital


Einar Sverrison, MD - Academics - Assistant Professor of Surgery - Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Timothy Kim, MD - Community/Academics - Site Instructor for Walter Reed Urology Residency - Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group


David Buethe, MD - Community - Suncoast Urology


Sandhya Rao, MD - Academics - Assistant Clinical Professor of Urology - University of Louisville