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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Gallbladder Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month Is Observed in February

Unlike other, more common forms of cancer, there is an overall lack of knowledge among the general public about gallbladder and bile duct cancer,...

LGBTQ Patients Priority for Continued Research

The health care needs of LGBTQ patients who are at risk or fighting cancer are a priority for continued research, Moffitt Cancer Center’s Gwendolyn...

Infographic: How to Check Your Skin For Skin Cancer

Skin cancer screenings are important to help detect cancer early, when it's most treatable. The first step is to get familiar with your body and know...

graphic of DNA and Researchers

Infographic: Making Medicine Personal - The Practice of Personalized Medicine

At Moffitt Cancer Center we look at every patient’s cancer as unique. Our clinical expertise and transformational research keeps us at the forefront...

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

While cancer prevention techniques continue to evolve, all experts agree that cancer risk can be directly influenced by certain lifestyle choices.

The Pros and Cons of Fitness Trackers

Keeping track of every step you take and every calorie you burn might sound like a great way to enhance your health. But, do these popular devices...

30 Years Later, She'll Always Be 'Little Miss Moffitt'

Thirty-year-old Morgan is a catering coordinator in Atlanta, but to the team at Moffitt Cancer Center, she’ll always be “Little Miss Moffitt.”

Brandon's Story

Receiving a melanoma diagnosis came as quite a shock to Brandon after two dermatologists told him that the mole on his right temple was of no...

How to Start Exercising After Cancer Treatment

If you’re a cancer survivor exercise can not only make you fitter, stronger and thinner – it can also help you live a longer, cancer-free life.

Important HPV Study Comes to an End

After 12 years, a significant study at Moffitt has come to an end.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Like many people, you’ll probably find that New Year’s resolutions are easier made than kept.

Five Ways to be Healthier in the New Year

Studies show that the majority of people who vow to shed pounds in an upcoming year do not follow through on their resolutions.

What Does 'Healthy Weight' Really Mean?

You’re probably aware of the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, but you might be a little unclear as to what that really...

Teen Health: Some Tips for Parents

Many teenagers like to live in the moment, focusing solely on the here and now. Sometimes, they don’t fully understand that some of the actions they...

Two-Time Cancer Survivor and Pearl Harbor Survivor Reflects on 75th Anniversary

George Kondas is a hero, an inspiration and a reminder to never give up hope as America remembers the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.