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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

458 Stories Found

Five Ways to be Healthier in the New Year

Studies show that the majority of people who vow to shed pounds in an upcoming year do not follow through on their resolutions.

What Does 'Healthy Weight' Really Mean?

You’re probably aware of the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, but you might be a little unclear as to what that really...

Teen Health: Some Tips for Parents

Many teenagers like to live in the moment, focusing solely on the here and now. Sometimes, they don’t fully understand that some of the actions they...

Two-Time Cancer Survivor and Pearl Harbor Survivor Reflects on 75th Anniversary

George Kondas is a hero, an inspiration and a reminder to never give up hope as America remembers the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

During Handwashing Awareness Week, Here’s a Quick Reminder on How When to Wash Your Hands

You might be wondering why an entire week has been dedicated to raising awareness of the simple act of handwashing. But, consider that handwashing...

Does Fish Oil Help With Depression?

In addition to helping to ward off heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease, the omega-3 fatty acids that are plentiful in many fish oils are...

Eating Out When You Have a Weakened Immune System

While it's fun to eat out with friends and family during the holiday season, it's important to keep in mind that you may need to protect yourself...

Tips for a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season

Holidays are a great time of the year when we look forward to enjoying time with family, friends and tables filled with traditional foods, festive...

Wear a Purple Ribbon to Raise Pancreatic Cancer Awareness in November

The causes of most pancreatic cancers are unknown, and the symptoms are usually very subtle. However, early detection is vital to achieving the best...

Why Do Healthy Nonsmokers Get Lung Cancer?

While the likelihood of a nonsmoker developing lung cancer is much lower than that of a similarly situated smoker, studies show that the number of...

November Is Carcinoid Tumor Awareness Month

The month of November is dedicated to raising awareness about carcinoid tumors, the most common type of neuroendocrine tumors.

November Is National Family Caregivers Month – 'Take Care to Give Care'

The main goal of National Family Caregivers Month is to shine a spotlight on the vital role that caregivers play in the lives of their loved ones.

Flourless Friday Morning Turkey Frittata

Looking for an easy breakfast recipe? Check out this one for a flourless Friday morning turkey frittata.

Secondhand Smoke and Cancer

Some people are surprised to learn that breathing in secondhand smoke from a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe is just as hazardous as smoking itself.

Oral Contraceptives and Cancer – Is There a Link?

If you’re a woman who takes birth control pills, you might wonder about the possible effects (if any) on your health, and specifically, your risk of...