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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Who Is Most at Risk for Kidney Cancer?

Anyone can develop kidney cancer, but certain factors can increase the likelihood that you will be affected. Click here to find out who is most at...

What Can Be Done to Prevent Gallbladder Cancer?

There is no screening test for gallbladder cancer, which usually does not cause noticeable symptoms. Therefore, prevention is key. Find out what you...

Caregiving During the Pandemic: One Day at a Time

A caregiver shares her story of how her husband received a cancer diagnosis during a time when everything was shutting down due to the pandemic.

Resilience in the Face of Cancer and COVID-19

COVID-19 has intensified feelings to the extent that many of the things that used to bring cancer patients joy are now off-limits, like visiting...

A Doctor's Perspective: The Emotions Behind the Mask

COVID-19 has forced us to change the way we teach our patients and their families about their cancer, says Dr. Blaise Mooney.

Cancer Symptoms Men Shouldn't Ignore

Many early signs of cancer in men may seem minor or go unnoticed. That’s why it’s important for all men to be proactive about their health.

Cancer Symptoms Women Shouldn't Ignore

The key to effective treatment for breast or gynecologic cancer is early detection. Read about some symptoms women should never ignore.


You Don’t Have to Navigate Cancer Alone

Joel shares his story about how he sought help from Imerman Angels after representatives came to a Moffitt AYA and LLS monthly networking dinner.

No-Bake Energy Bites Help You Get The Protein You Need During Treatment

These no-bake energy bites are a great high-calorie and high-protein snack that can be prepared in minutes

A woman talking to her doctor about a rash

Can Rashes Be a Sign of Cancer?

Skin rashes are common and can develop for a variety of reasons, such as allergies and infections. But could a rash also be a sign of cancer?

A man coughing

Is a Persistent Cough a Sign of Cancer?

Coughing is a protective reflex that clears the lungs of irritants. Usually, a cough is not a cause for concern. But could it be a sign of cancer?...

10 Tips to Lower the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer cannot be completely prevented, but there are some ways to lower the risk, and many women don’t know about them. Read these 10 tips.

10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About an Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

If you’re overwhelmed by your endometrial cancer diagnosis, remember that your doctor is your best source of information. Here are 10 questions to...

Bedside Art Visit During COVID-19 Yields a Special Birthday Gift

Moffitt's Artist in Residence Cat Thomas shares a special encounter with a patient and a surprise birthday gift they made together.

Summer Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

Make sure your time in the sun this summer is as safe as it can be by reading our tips for skin cancer prevention.