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In order to meet the needs of researchers and provide a world-class infrastructure, Total Cancer Care has developed an innovative business model that includes research partnerships with patients, research centers, academic institutions and industry.


Researchers participate by analyzing the very large database associated with Total Cancer Care that houses a vast amount of information related to the patient, medical histories and their tissue samples. The analysis leads to the development of how cancer works, preventative measures, and drug development. Researchers also evaluate the quality and effectiveness of treatments based on personalized medicine with other methods to ensure the standard of care continues to improve over time and future advancements in how cancer is treated. Information collected by researchers is intended to be placed back into the database to ensure researchers are building upon previous knowledge.


Clinicians are active members in the study by meeting the needs of the future patient through their active research. They help answer questions patients may have about Total Cancer Care and ensure that the study guidelines are correctly followed, including the patient’s safety and protection of health information. As findings from Total Cancer Care improve patient care over time, clinicians will utilize the scientific results obtained to provide better treatment to patients.

During a patient’s clinic appointment, the clinician may mention the study, introduce a research coordinator to the patient.


As a clinician, it only takes a small investment in time to participate in Total Cancer Care. Your patients may have questions regarding the study or the enrollment process, which includes a few survey questions about their medical history. Remember that your patients can elect to withdraw from the study at any time and participate in the Total Cancer Care Study does not impact your treatment decisions in any way.

Why participate? As a clinician, you commit yourself every day to providing your patients with the best care possible. Information collected from the Total Cancer Care Study will lead to advances that improve the standard of care. One day, the Total Cancer Care Study may lead to better diagnostic tools and personalized treatment options that will help you improve the care you provided your patients. Participating in the Total Cancer Care Study is an investment in the future of cancer care. 


By partnering with Total Cancer Care, pharmaceutical members have access to a large amount of genetic and demographic information that can be utilized to develop new drugs for treating a particular cancer. By understanding the reasons why some treatments work better in some people but not others, pharmaceutical partners can develop very specialized drugs tailored to specific conditions for the most effective results. If data are shared through a partnership outside of Moffitt, we will only share data without personal health information.


Moffitt has been a leader in cancer research by creating a network of top cancer centers in ORIEN who share information in a way that’s never been done. ORIEN is a growing alliance of leading cancer centers committed to speeding up research through collaboration and access to shared patient data. The more diverse our patient population, the more connections we can make. Collaboration across ORIEN TCC sites include sharing both clinical and molecular data from patients enrolled in the study to enhance discovery and create evidence of what is the most effective therapy for individual patients.