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Surgery to remove a portion of the bladder (partial cystectomy) or the entire organ (radical cystectomy) has long been the standard in bladder cancer treatment. But as medical technology and cancer care has evolved, so has Moffitt Cancer Center’s approach to bladder cystectomies. Today, surgeons in the Moffitt Institute for Robotic Cancer Surgery perform bladder cancer procedures with the assistance of da Vinci® Surgical System. This revolutionary robotic technology enhances surgical visualization and allows surgeons to perform precise, intricate movements that are not possible with the human hand alone, leading to:

  • Smaller incisions and less noticeable scarring
  • Shorter recovery periods
  • Less postoperative pain
  • Reduced likelihood of surgical complications
  • Higher overall satisfaction rates

What happens during a robotic cystectomy?   

Robotic bladder cancer surgery at Moffitt is not performed by a robot. Instead, a highly experienced surgeon operates robotic instruments while maintaining complete control of the operation from start to finish. During surgery:

  • A safe amount of carbon dioxide is used to inflate the stomach cavity and increase working space for the surgeon.
  • Tiny incisions are made to serve as entry points for the system’s thin surgical instruments, which are controlled by the surgeon through robotic arms, and a miniature, high-magnification camera.   
  • The surgeon removes cancerous structures, which may include the bladder, nearby lymph nodes and surrounding organs, with the assistance of the detailed visuals provided by the camera.
  • Following removal of the bladder (radical cystectomy), a procedure to reconstruct the urinary tract and create a way for the body to store urine may also be performed robotically.

Visit Moffitt   

If you would like to consult with a Moffitt oncologist about robotic bladder cancer surgery and what treatments are right for you, call 1-888-663-3488 or complete a new patient registration form online. We welcome patients who are seeking second opinions and promptly respond to appointment requests.