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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Head and Neck Cancer Can’t Silence Local Lawyer

To see him now, you’d never know the battle Tampa attorney Buddy fought outside the courtroom. For more than 30 years, the lawyer relied on his voice...

How to Cope With a Cancer Recurrence

The risk of cancer recurrence is different for every patient. It can be influenced by a number of factors, including the type and stage of the...

Tara's Story: I’m so Happy to be Sick

Tears well up in Tara’s eyes as she remembers the medical team telling her it was probably just a cyst and nothing to worry about, but as she peered...

Infographic: Colon Health and Your Plumbing

Check out our infographic as we tackle some myths about getting a colonoscopy.

Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis Increasing In Millennials

While colorectal cancer is predominantly found in people over age 50, a recent study released by the American Cancer Society has found that there has...

Infographic: What Are the Signs of Head and Neck Cancer?

Head and neck cancer symptoms can affect areas of the mouth, throat, larynx, nose or sinuses. Familiar symptoms could be a sign of head and neck...

Tips on How to Avoid Social Isolation During Cancer Treatment

One challenge that many patients may not have anticipated is the sense of isolation experienced at various points during their cancer journey.

Five Signs of Colorectal Cancer

By understanding your risks and learning to identify possible warning signs, you may be able to avoid colorectal cancer.

It’s National Kidney Cancer Awareness Month — Protect Yourself With Knowledge

You probably don’t give much thought to your kidneys, the two bean-shaped organs situated just below your rib cage on either side of your spine. But,...

March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – Protect Yourself by Learning More About This Often Preventable Condition

Colorectal cancer is sometimes referred to as a "silent cancer," mainly because it often produces no symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.

Five Myths About Colonoscopies

We spoke with Dr. Mark Friedman, a gastroenterologist in the Gastrointestinal Oncology Program, to tackle myths about colonoscopies and colon cancer.

Couple Says 'I Do' in the ICU at Moffitt Cancer Center

Ena's fiancé, Steven, didn’t know if they were going to see the wedding day they’d been planning for months. He decided then and there he wanted to...

Free Health Screenings Offered at Men's Health Forum

Moffitt Cancer Center and nearly 80 other community organizations have partnered for the 17th annual Men’s Health Forum which offers free health...

Healthy food, sun glasses and walking shoes

Infographic: 7 Steps to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Your risk for cancer can be directly influenced by certain lifestyle choices. Learn about some simple steps that you can take to lead a healthier...

How to Cope When Your Partner Is Living With Cancer

If you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with cancer, you’re both probably experiencing a wide range of feelings and emotions, which may...