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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Moffitt Nurse's Career Begins with Three Small Scars

Growing up watching her brother battle a disease and seeing how crucial bone marrow transplants are to patients in need, led Katherine to pursue a...

The Art of Volunteering

Moffitt found the perfect spot for Ruthie in the Arts in Medicine program, where she’s been dedicating her time as a volunteer since 2010. It has...

Bringing to Light the Patient and Family Member Voice

The Patient and Family Advisory Council is a partnership that aims to bring the voices of patients and their families into every part of Moffitt.

A Volunteer 25 Years in the Making

Fred Kramer has dedicated more than 20,000 hours of his life to Moffitt Cancer Center. His paycheck comes in the form of laughs, smiles, and special...

Getting to the Point with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is safe, painless, and has a very low risk of complications. Although acupuncture does not target tumors or prevent cancerous cells from...

Volunteer Proceeds From Music to Medicine

For Miles Cameron, volunteering isn’t just a way to pass the time. And Moffitt Cancer Center isn’t just another place.

Cancer and Other Health Risks at Nail Salons

For some people, a visit to a nail salon is just an occasional treat —a fun way to relax and feel pampered. However, a growing body of medical...

The Safety Concerns of Pesticide Use

Most synthetic pest control products rely on harmful toxins to get the job done. Find out how to protect yourself with these helpful tips.

Does a Breast Lump Always Mean Cancer?

While a breast lump is the most common warning sign of breast cancer, it is also important to understand that not all breast lumps are cancerous.

Dr. Locke: CAR-T Cell Therapy a 'Revolution in Cancer Care'

Dr. Locke, the principal investigator for a new experimental immunotherapy called CAR T-cell therapy, talks about the breakthroughs with this type of...

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week – Knowing What to Look For

Each year, more than 55,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral, head and neck cancers. Most of these cases are preventable – or, when found and...

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month – Learn to Perform a Self-Exam

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month was established to promote the importance of learning and recognizing the early signs of this condition.

Supporting Adolescents Young Adults With Cancer

We are committed to providing patients ages 15 to 39 with specialized medical and psychosocial supportive care designed to help them achieve better...

John's Story: Giving Back Through Music

"Upon walking into Moffitt Cancer Center, it did not feel like any other hospital I had ever been to," says John, a throat cancer survivor.

Infographic: Your Guide To Healthy Portion Sizes

Don’t be fooled by the enormous portions at many restaurants. Recommended serving sizes are actually a lot smaller than what you probably think they...