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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Scars and Skin Cancer: What to Know

Researchers have recently identified new ways for surgeons to minimize the scarring that results from skin cancer surgery.

Whole-Body Scans for Cancer Prevention: What You Need to Know

Is There a Correlation Between Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk?

Many people are unaware that researchers have linked heavy drinking to an increased of several types of cancer.

Research Spotlight: Dr. Abate-Daga Discusses the Progress of Immunotherapy

Dr. Daniel Abate-Daga's research is focused on the development of T cell-based immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer.

September Is National Food Safety Month – Learn How to Prevent Foodborne Illnesses

Foodborne illnesses can be easily prevented with proper food storage, careful preparation and hygienic practices.

What are the Different Types of Genetic Testing?

Your medical team may recommend genetic testing to help inform treatment and medical management decisions or help us learn if you are at increased...

Infographic: Prevention Tips for Gynecologic Cancer

We encourage women to take charge of their health by becoming more familiar with their bodies and learning to recognize possible signs of gynecologic...

8 Questions with Moffitt Patient and Professional Wakeboarder Alexa Score

"For me the act of 'surviving' isn’t one single accomplishment, like having no cancer or growing your hair back. Surviving, to me, is a way of life,"...

30 Days of Teal – September Is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

As with all types of cancer, early detection is key to achieving the best possible outcome for a woman who is diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Don’t Procrastinate When It Comes to Your Health – Here Are Some Reasons to See a Doctor

Like many people, you can probably come up with a long list of reasons and rationalizations – many of which are legitimate – that keep you away from...

September Is Leukemia Lymphoma Awareness Month

Approximately every four minutes, someone in the United States is diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or another type of cancer that affects the blood...

Cards From Children Cheer Up Cancer Patients at Moffitt

My family and I began our personal fight with cancer in September 2012. What I thought was going to be simple turned into multiple surgeries,...

Five Questions With: Dr. Amber Orman on Nutrition and Clean Eating

We sat down with radiation oncologist Dr. Amber Orman to get her take on nutrition, diet and if she has any food weaknesses.

August Is National Immunization Awareness Month

When was the last time your checked to see if your vaccines were up to date? Vaccines aren't just for kids.

Rescue Dog Once Struggling to Survive Helps Others in the Fight of Their Life

Pet therapy volunteer Spencer Bard says he can’t explain the joy he feels when he sees a patient at Moffitt light up at the sight of Lucy.