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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Does Vaping Cause Lung Cancer?

Vaping is often seen as a better alternative to cigarettes, but can it also cause lung cancer? Learn more about the health effects of vaping.

Eight Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

Early detection of breast cancer can lead to the best possible outcome. Protect your health by learning about the eight most common warning signs.

Safety and Effectiveness of HPV Vaccine

Parent should consider that there is a rigorous testing and approval process for all vaccines, including the HPV vaccine.

How Does Coronavirus Impact People with Cancer and Diabetes?

People of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Celebrate Summer and Moderate Blood Sugar with These Fish Tacos

While we stay safer at home this summer, we can still celebrate with our own fish fiesta.

Beer, wine, and a martini on a bar top.

What to Know About Alcohol Use and Surgery

Alcohol use, especially the amount of alcohol you drink daily, can affect your surgery and recovery. Learn more with these educational tips.

Diet Guidelines for Boosting Protein During Cancer Treatment

It is very important to eat and/or drink enough protein during cancer treatment because your body’s protein needs are higher than normal during this...

Exercising for Success Before Surgery

Following an exercise program before surgery can make your recovery more successful and reduce the risk of complications

Quitting Tobacco after a Cancer Diagnosis

Whether you are a long-term cancer survivor or newly diagnosed, quitting all tobacco products can improve your treatment outcome.

Diet Guidelines for Boosting Calories During Cancer Treatment

During cancer treatments, the body needs extra energy to heal. Calories provide our body energy.

Tips for Cancer Patients: How to Start Daily Walking Program

Beginning a daily walking program before cancer surgery is highly recommended and may improve your recovery after surgery.

Self-Care During Your Hospital Stay

Dealing with cancer can be overwhelming. Here are several suggestions to help you manage the symptoms and side effects that you may experience during...

Pump Up Your Calories and Protein: Milkshake Recipes for Home

Calories and protein are needed for strength and to help with recovery from surgery. Milkshakes can be a tasty way to get a lot of protein and...

Female standing on scale

Can Ovarian Cancer Cause Weight Gain?

Some women experience abdominal swelling and bloating after developing ovarian cancer. Find out if there is a connection between ovarian cancer and...

Who Is at High Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

All women are at risk of developing ovarian cancer, but some have personal or familial factors that further increase their risk.