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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Listen in: Dr. Brandon Blue - Blood is Thicker Than Water Podcast

Looking for a new podcast? Check out "Cancer in Our Community," featuring Dr. Brandon Blue, who talks about why he’s so engaged in community...

Cervical Cancer Patient Grateful for Immunotherapy Clinical Trial

Misty, who had a rare type of cervical cancer, found hope after enrolling in a clinical trial involving tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy.

Does Soy Cause Cancer?

Soy is good for you—or is it? Researchers have explored a possible link between soy intake and cancer risk.

A woman is checking her throat with her hands

What Does a Throat Cancer Lump Feel Like?

Throat cancer is a condition that is characterized by the development of malignant tumors in the throat, voice box (larynx) or tonsils.

How to Cope with Caregiving Loss

Certain times of the year, like special holidays or birthdays, present us with another challenge: taking care of those who are feeling sad because of...

Celebrating Our Caregivers

Caregivers are the unsung heroes in the cancer journey. They are thrust into their role with no formal training and often little time to prepare....

A Perfect Love Story

Cancer entered our lives when Loyce was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma in the late 1970s, but she also faced breast cancer and metastatic sacral...

Lucky and Grateful

I am an Ewing's sarcoma survivor. I was diagnosed when I was 32. I had no experience with cancer except for what I had seen on television or in...

Nutrition for Caregivers

Caring for someone with cancer is a true act of selfless love, but when this responsibility stretches over months or years, it can result in...

A doctor exams a woman's throat for early signs of esophageal cancer

What Are the Early Signs of Esophageal Cancer?

Esophageal cancer, which does not produce symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage, may cause issues with eating, swallowing or digesting food....

a man rubbing his head

Can a Lump on Your Head Be Cancer?

Finding a new head lump can be alarming, as many cancers can cause a lump to form that can be felt through your skin.

Experiencing Hair Loss During Cancer Treatment

For some people, losing their hair is difficult. Knowing what to expect and talking about it with others can help you cope with hair loss and other...

Caring for Skin and Nails During Cancer Treatment

You may experience nail and skin changes as a result of your cancer treatment. There are some ways to manage these common side effects.

Fatima's Story: Moving Forward One Day at a Time

Fatima shares her journey with cancer through the AYA program at Moffitt Cancer Center.

Pesto Pasta with Shrimp Recipe

Spring brings so many delicious and nutritious vegetables. Try this protein-packed recipe and throw in any of your favorite spring produce.