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A Moffitt BlogTM featuring the latest cancer treatments, lifestyle and diet tips, patient resources and more.

454 Stories Found

Four Heathy Eating Tips to Try During National Nutrition Month

It’s more important to focus on your diet as a whole, and to understand how making smart food choices today can provide multiple benefits over the...

Adjusting to Life After Caregiving

If the need for caregiving has now come to an end, you may find yourself struggling to regain a sense of purpose in your life.

March Is Multiple Myeloma Awareness and Action Month

Exactly what is multiple myeloma? Even though it is the second most common form of blood cancer, many people have never heard of it.

Five Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Like most people, you undoubtedly have a myriad of demands on your time and probably aren’t getting enough sleep. This is can be troubling because...

February Is National Cancer Prevention Month – Take Some Simple Steps to Lower Your Risk

Studies show that currently one out of every three cancer cases could possibly have been prevented through simple lifestyle changes.

Does Sunscreen Block Vitamin D From the Sun?

Most people know that Vitamin D helps build strong bones and is activated by the sun. Does sunscreen block it? Get the facts.

February 14 Is National Donor Day – Why Not Share the Love?

On Valentine's Day, there is no better way to open your heart and share your love than by celebrating National Donor Day.

Tips for Heart Health and Cancer Prevention

Nutrition matters, both in terms of heart health and cancer risk. Here are some tips on how to modify your eating habits.

Infographic: HPV Vaccine is Key to Preventing Certain Cancers

Today, with just one vaccine, it is possible to prevent several types of cancer affecting both women and men.

February 4 Is World Cancer Day – You Can Make a Difference in the Global Fight Against Cancer

Moffitt Cancer Center is proud to lend its voice to World Cancer Day in an effort to spread the word and inspire action against cancer.

probiotic-rich food yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, kimchi

What You Should Know About Probiotics If You’re Undergoing Cancer Treatment

Many people are skeptical about probiotics and wonder whether they actually live up to the hype surrounding them.

A woman's hands

Why Are My Nails Changing During Chemotherapy?

Somewhat less well-known are the potential effects that chemotherapy can have on the fingernails, toenails and nail beds.

Does Cervical Dysplasia Lead to Cancer?

While cervical dysplasia should always be evaluated and treated if necessary, it’s important to understand that in most cases it does not lead to...

When a Parent Has Cancer

When a parent becomes ill, your long-established roles may abruptly reverse. There are many things you can do to make the process easier for both...

Infographic: Embracing Your New Normal After Breast Cancer

Your journey doesn’t end after completing breast cancer treatment. It takes time to create a new normal and it’s important to take things one day at...