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225 Stories Found

Dr. Freeman watches a patient use a semi-recumbent elliptical machine

Cell Therapies and Exercise

Moffitt is are exploring how combining complex cell therapies with novel and holistic recovery strategies to facilitate recovery can help optimize...

A Moffitt doctor talks to a patient

5 Myths vs Facts About CAR T for Myeloma

Moffitt is an established leader in the field of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and chimeric antigen receptor or CAR T cell therapy.

squamous cell carcinoma

Evaluating TMB Compared to tDNA TMB in Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

High tumor mutation burden (TMB) is connected to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) response in many solid tumors.

A patient rings a bell to celebrate the end of cancer treatments

Diagnosing and treating Geriatric Patients

For geriatric oncology patients, the pros and cons of anti-cancer therapies must be weighed more carefully for proper treatment assessments.

a patient having a MRI scan

Advanced Imaging for Local Evaluation of Urinary Bladder Cancer: The Role of MRI

The role of MRI in urinary bladder cancer management is evolving and recent data show it is an important impact on patient management.

Novel Treatment Advancements for Cervical Cancers

The standard of care for cervical cancer continues to evolve with the incorporation of immunotherapy into the triplet previously studied in GOG 240.

Diagnosing and Treating Pituitary Adenomas

With a timely diagnosis and treatment plan created by Moffitt Cancer Center’s multispecialty team of experts, adenomas can be removed so patients can...

How Interventional Radiology is Revolutionizing Cancer Diagnostics & Treatment

Moffitt is revolutionizing diagnostics & treatments with Interventional Radiology. IR gives patients expanded options that offer less pain and risk...

Using ctDNA Assay in Advanced Stages of Gastric and Esophageal Cancers to Predict Disease Progression

A study demonstrating use of ctDNA in predicting cancer progression in gastric and esophageal cancers presents beneficial outcomes.

Novel Immunotherapy Clinical Trials for Genitourinary Cancers

Immunotherapy clinical trials are continually bringing promising new treatments to patients with genitourinary cancer.

Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy for Solid Tumors

The potential impact TIL therapy can have on cancer patients is monumental, which is why Moffitt Cancer Center has been at the forefront of this...

Dr. Peter Forsyth in the lab

Innovative Dendritic Cell Vaccine Trial Provides Hope for Breast Cancer Patients with Leptomeningeal Disease

This novel therapy is designed to treat breast cancer patients whose tumor metastasizes to the brain and the spinal fluid.

Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) Study for Patients with BCG Unresponsive High-Grade Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

A clinical trial focuses on adoptive cellular therapy of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes for BCG Unresponsive High-Grade Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder...

Moffitt Named a Comprehensive Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Center of Excellence by SNMMI

Moffitt is one of only 29 academic centers in the U.S. designated as a Comprehensive Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Center of Excellence.

Types of Sarcoma, a Deeper Look at a Few of the Subtypes

As a rule of thumb, any mass the size of a golf ball (>3cm) should be considered for a potential sarcoma diagnosis and referred to a specialist for...