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Dr. John Mullinax in the operating room at Moffitt

Here at Moffitt, we have entire departments of surgical and medical experts for every cancer type. As a high-volume surgical center, our surgical teams have unparalleled skills and are familiar with treating and studying even the rarest cancers.  

Chair of the Sarcoma Department and Chief of Surgery Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez summarizes why the surgical expertise at Moffitt is unmatched:

Why Refer To Moffitt? 

We go through a stringent certification criteria to treat cancer as well as evaluated by the National Cancer Institute receiving their seal of approval based on their national standards.

  • We currently perform 850-900 cancer surgeries a month. 
  • We have more surgical clinical trials than in any hospital in the region. 
  • Our surgeons have been involved in multiple cancer breakthroughs that have led to FDA approvals more than any other hospital in the region. 

Our operating rooms and surgical teams serve our patients with the most advanced technology and are equipped with the most modern tools and best platforms available: 

  • Complex endoscopic procedures  
  • Complex interventional radiology procedures 
  • Computer navigated surgery 
  • Intraoperative MRI 
  • Interpretative CT (Computed Tomography) 
  • Robotic and minimally invasive tumor surgery 
With all solid tumors, the best chance for cure is a properly planned and executed operation and in the field of cancer surgery, the first shot is the best shot.
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez
Chair of the Sarcoma Department and Chief of Surgery

We perform the latest and most effective techniques in surgical care. Moffitt is one of very few centers in the United States performing percutaneous hepatic perfusion and leads the world in the technique to the extent that we teach and proctor all the other centers in the U.S. on the procedure.

Cancer types that usually start with surgery: In general, with all solid tumors the best chance for cure is a properly planned and executed operation. 

  • Solid tumor cancers such as breast, lung cancers, endocrine tumors (thyroid and adrenal tumors), brain tumors, genitourinary and gynecologic tumors, colorectal, thyroid, skin cancer and soft tissue and bone sarcoma 
  • Cancers that have yet to spread to other parts of the body 

Our surgeons deliver a comprehensive spectrum of the latest surgical interventions and prioritize achieving complete tumor resection while minimizing surgical invasiveness aiming to enhance postoperative quality of life. 

If you’d like to refer a patient to Moffitt for surgery, complete our online form or contact a physician liaison for assistance. As part of our efforts to shorten referral times as much as possible, online referrals are normally responded to within 24 - 48 hours.