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For working parents, finding adequate child care can sometimes be tough. Finding an employer that provides on-site child care — that’s like winning the lotto. 

As more organizations are hopping on the trend of offering on-site child care facilities, Moffitt Cancer Center’s Child Development Center is stepping into its 30th year of service. 

In 1994, the leadership team at Moffitt had a vision to help working parents succeed. They established the Moffitt Child Development Center with the slogan: “A place for children and their families.” 

The slogan still holds true today as hundreds of families have used the facility and the waiting list continues to grow. 

The child care center offers convenient hours for team members, a robust curriculum for kids and, most importantly, comfort for families. This is the feeling team members like Tracy Simpson; Brandon Blue, MD; and Sheryl Ferrier felt when they enrolled their children.

A Smiling Face at the Window 

In late 2004, Simpson, a senior executive patient coordinator in Moffitt’s Strategic Alliances department, was searching for child care for her 2-year-old son, Chase. She and her husband, who also worked at the cancer center at the time, looked at other child care centers in the area but instantly fell in love with the Moffitt Child Development Center.

Mother and son at Moffitt's Child Development Center

Tracy Simpson looked all over the Tampa Bay area for childcare but instantly fell in love with the Moffitt Child Development Center.

“The atmosphere was inviting, warm, and the staff was friendly, caring, and very attentive and focused on the children,” Simpson said.

As new parents, the couple appreciated that the on-site child care center enabled them to focus on their work, rather than be overwhelmed during the day with worry about how their son was doing. 

“It was comforting to have him here on site and also convenient. Being so close to my workplace enabled me to participate in some of the activities with Chase such as parades, holiday parties and some of his developmental learning activities,” Simpson said. “Those extra special messages received sharing what Chase did for the day or special moments captured on camera were always cherished, and I always looked forward to those.”

Chase is now 21, but Simpson says she will never forget being able to look out the window next to her desk and seeing her little boy waving and saying: “Hi, mommy, I love you.” 

Comfort in a Chaotic Time 

Moving back to Florida from St. Louis, Blue, a hematologist in Moffitt’s Malignant Hematology Department, needed a reliable place that would work with his busy schedule. Once he visited Moffitt’s child care center, he knew it was the place to be. 

Blue and his wife enrolled their first child in 2018 and soon after enrolled their other two children, with the youngest still attending. 

Father and children taking a funny photo

The onsite child care center allows Blue to take the extra time needed for his patients without needing to rush for child care needs.

“The biggest advantage of having a child care center on site is that my work hours varies. The center allows me to take the extra time needed for my patients without needing to rush for child care needs,” Blue said. “My career has benefited because of the center hours. Opening early and closing late allows me the extra time for my research.” 

During the pandemic, when the world was faced with chaos, Blue found a stable comfort in the Moffitt Child Development Center. 

“I really relied on the center to stay open to assist with me having to come into work and needing a safe place for my children,” he said. “This was the best help to me, knowing that with a dangerous pandemic outside, my child could go to a safe and clean environment.” 

Building Incredible Bonds

Ferrier, an infection preventionist in Moffitt’s Infection Prevention department, prepared a spreadsheet to help compare day cares for her 3-month-old son in 2021. Moffitt’s child care center clearly outshined the competition, so she knew she was making the right decision when she enrolled him. This year, his 5-month-old brother joined him at the center. 

Family takes photo in golf cart

Sheryl Ferrier takes comfort in knowing the staff truly cares about her children.

For Ferrier, the on-site child care center makes for an easier commute. And when her children are not feeling well, she can quickly pick them up. 

Ferrier also takes comfort in knowing that the staff truly cares about their well-being.

“Most, if not all, staff know my children’s names and peculiarities and continue to provide a caring environment every single day,” Ferrier said. “I also am amazed that every teacher that my children are assigned has created an incredible bond with them. In fact, my son recently called me by his teacher’s name when we were at home.” 

For three decades, the staff at the Moffitt Child Development Center has been building bonds with children and providing essential support for working parents. As the cancer center continues to grow, the child care center is poised to assist the next generation of Moffitt families.