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64 article(s) found

Could a Quick Electronic Assessment Improve Outcomes for Older People with Pancreatic Cancer?

Study shows correlation between electronic frailty index and chemotherapy toxicity among octogenarians

Surveillance for a Silent Killer

Moffitt’s new Pancreatic Interception Center aims to catch a disease that often goes undiagnosed until it’s too late.

Reconstruction Surgery Helps Some Patients Regain a Sense of Normalcy

Reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy brought Angela Stout’s life back into focus

Heavy Artillery in the Battle Against Brain Tumors

Diagnosed by chance, Robert Roggeman came to Moffitt Cancer Center at just the right time, becoming the first patient to benefit from the new intraoperative MRI

Retired NY Police Officer Runs Boston Marathon 6 Months After Lung Cancer Surgery

Vinny O’Shaughnessy started training again soon after part of right lung removed

Pancreatic Cancer Is No Match for Tennis Player

82-year-old Graci McGillicuddy is back on the court after surgery and chemotherapy

Not Everyone Has Access to Quality Cancer Surgery, But Global Commission Aims to Change That

Lancet Oncology Commission on Global Cancer Surgery lays out a roadmap to address lack of access among patients worldwide

When Life Hangs in the Balance

Determined to teach his young son to walk, Nicolás Gutiérrez Martínez endured almost a dozen surgeries to try to save his leg from the cancer growing inside

F-16 Pilot Beats Cancer, Gets Back in the Cockpit

Capt. Charles Boynton was diagnosed with testicular cancer months into training