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42 article(s) found

What it Means to be a Previvor

Genetic screening helps patients take their health into their own hands.

Beyoncé’s Father Battling Breast Cancer

Genetic testing discovered BRCA2 mutation, which means a higher risk his family. “From a man’s perspective, I’m thinking, ‘Why me?’ ”

What is Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer?

About 15% of breast cancers and 20% of ovarian cancers are caused by BRCA gene mutations.

Should I Be Tested for BRCA Mutations?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has updated recommendations for BRCA testing and genetic counseling.

Treatment Shows Promise in Pancreatic Cancer Patients with BRCA Mutation

A study recently presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting sheds new light on pancreatic cancer’s link to the BRCA mutation and a new treatment approach specifically for

Genetic Counseling and Testing: What’s It All About?

If you or any of your relatives have had cancer, you may be wondering if the disease runs in your family.

Can a DNA Kit Predict Colorectal Cancer?

23andMe has received FDA clearance to test for genetic mutations that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer.

Are Breast Cancer Testing Guidelines Out of Date?

An estimated 10 percent of breast cancers are hereditary, making genetic testing a good tool for cancer prevention, early diagnosis and creating screening and treatment plans.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Basics

The rare cancer is typically not diagnosed until after it has spread throughout the body.