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39 article(s) found

Grey’s Anatomy Star Misinforms on Ovarian Cancer

She may play a doctor on television, but Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo is no medical expert.

Breast Cancer in Men

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women besides skin cancer, but it also impacts men.

Mom-Daughter Duo Find Purpose in Club After Breast Cancer Journey

Marnee Long and her daughter fundraise and advocate for breast cancer through Tampa Catholic’s ‘Think Pink’ club.

Global Cancer Deaths Expected to Rise to Nearly 10 Million This Year

Cancer is the second-leading cause of death worldwide, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) cancer deaths are expected to rise to nearly 10 million this year.

PSA Testing: What Is It and Is It Right for Me?

Screening can help find many prostate cancers early, but there are still questions about whether the benefits of screening outweigh the risks for most men.

5 Signs of Ovarian Cancer You Could Be Missing

Early stages of the disease often cause no symptoms and the cancer has usually spread by the time it is diagnosed.

Sunscreen Pills Are A Thing, But The Thing Is, They Don’t Really Work

Moffitt Cancer Center doctors warn that there’s no pill or capsule that can replace your sunscreen.

Changes to CT Scan Prep

Many patients undergoing a CT scan at Moffitt can drink water instead of barium contrast.

Large Number of Healthy Adults Not Being Screened for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer screening is free to those who qualify and can save lives, but not a lot of people are taking advantage of it.