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The arrival of the interns for our three summer internship programs kicked off with their orientations on June 5.

SPARK (Summer Program for the Advancement of Research Knowledge), ENCOURAGE-Diversity (Encouraging Cancer & Oncology Undergraduate Research Growth and Engagement) and U54 (Undergraduate Student Research Immersion Program) are extremely prestigious programs held at Moffitt Cancer Center that commence in the summer. This year, SPARK accepted 16 students, ENCOURAGE accepted four students and U54 accepted nine students.

After orientations, the students all came together for a welcome lunch to get to know each other. During this lunch, Dr. Ken Wright delivered an introduction and wished the students good luck with their upcoming research. This event was a great opportunity for the students to not only network with the program directors, but amongst themselves as well, as they all come from different backgrounds and will all be participating in various fields of research.

These programs have proven to have had a great impact on their previous participants. 

Congratulations to each of the selected individuals, this is an incredible accomplishment! The future is bright with each of these students joining the Moffitt research community.

Welcome to the interns! SPARK was one of my favorite experiences.
William Pledger, 2021 SPARK Intern