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Name & Description Number
Liquid Biopsy: Saliva Based Liquid Biopsy Assay for Oropharyngeal Cancer 23MA001N
Liquid Biopsy: Liquid Biopsy Based PCR Assay to Predict Drug Resistant in Prostate Cancer 21MB071
Liquid Biopsy: Liquid Biopsy Assay for Pan-cancer Early Detection Using Cell-free DNA Methylation 21MB048
Protein Diagnostic: Diagnostic to detect Leptomeningeal Disease 20MB040N
Molecular Imaging Agent: A Novel Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Agent for Intraoperative Margin Assessment in Breast Cancer 20MA008N
Diagnostic for Predicting Response to Therapies in Multiple Myeloma 19MB057 13MB048 - VIDEO
Companion Diagnostic to Predict Response to Immunotherapy Based on the Methylation Status 19MB052T2
Methylation Status Diagnostic: Diagnostic to Predict Response to Immunotherapy 19MB052 - VIDEO
Genetic Signature: Gene Signature to Distinguish between Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Primary Lung and Metastatic Head & Neck) 17MB044
Genetic Biomarker: PTEN Loss of Expression as a Biomarker Response to GGTI-2418 Treatment 17MA025
Molecular Imaging: Predicting Response to Adjuvant Ipilimumab Treatment in Melanoma Using a Novel Algorithm to Analyze Nitric Oxide Levels in Peripheral Blood Immune Cells 17MA002N
miRNA Diagnostic: miRNA Signature for Non-invasive Early Detection of Malignancy in IPMN 17MA001
miRNA Diagnostic: MicroRNA Signature to Predict Progression of Barrett’s Esophagus to Esophageal Dysplasia or Adenocarcinoma 16MB066
Molecular Imaging Probe: Novel IDO1-Targeting Cancer Diagnostic PET Imaging Agent 16MB044
Protein Biomarker: Diagnostic to Determine which Low-Risk MDS Patients to Treat with Lenalidomide to Restore Sensitivity to Erythropoietin 16MB042
Protein Biomarker: Method for Measuring MRE11 in Muscle –Invasive Bladder Cancer to Predict Chemoradiation Response Using AQUA 16MB041
Genetic Signature: Gene Signature to Distinguish Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma from Metastatic Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 16MB040
Protein Biomarker: Diagnostic for Progression of MDS to AML Using PD-1 or PD-L1 Expression 15MB065
Molecular Imaging Probe: In vivo Positron Emission Tomography-Based Perfusion/Blood Pool Imaging Using Labeled Erythrocytes 15MB042N
Diagnostic: S100A9 Serum Concentration Levels Predict Lenalidomide Response Duration 15MA031N
Diagnostic: Intracellular S100A9 Alone or NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation as MDS Biomarkers 15MA021N
Molecular Imaging: Monoacylated TLR2 Ligand Fluorescent Probe for Detecti 15MA015
Genetic Signature: Microarray-based Gene Expression Profiling to Predict Tumor Sensitivity to Radiotherapy 14MA052N
miRNA Diagnostic: Blood Based microRNA Assay to Detect Malignant Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMNs) 13MB078
Molecular Imaging: Novel Imaging Software Diagnostic to Determine Survival in Glioblastoma Multiforme 13MB055
Genetic Signature: Gene Signature Predicts Recurrence and Benefit From Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Colorectal Cancer 13MA036
Multiplex Diagnostic: in Multiple Myeloma Using Detection of Minimal Residual Disease RNA Sequencing and Mass Spectrometry 13MA009
Protein Diagnostic: Phosphorylated STAT3 Protein as a Novel Biomarker of Graft Versus Host Disease 13MA002
Molecular Imaging Probe: A Novel 18F Scaffold for Preparing Targeted PET Imaging Probess 12MB104
Genetic Signature: Gene Expression Signature to Determine the Benefit of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 12MA069
Molecular Imaging Probe: Synthetic Fluorescent Probe for Improved Detection and Tumor Removal in Pancreatic Cancer Patients 11MB064
Molecular Imaging Probe: Surrogate Markers for Colon Adenoma and Adenocarcinoma 11MA026N
Imaging: Digital Pathology Tool to Grade Breast Cancer Histological Images 11MA022
Protein Diagnostic: New Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Assay for Patient Treatment Selection Based on Protein-Protein Bindi 11MA014
Molecular Imaging Probe: Fluorescent and MRI Targeted Probes for the Melanocortin Receptor 1 on Melanomas, and Micelle Complexes for Drug Delivery 10MB069N
Molecular Imaging Probe: Breast Cancer-Targeted Probe Set for Improved Detection of Lymph Node Metastases 10MA024