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Did you know that almost half of all cancer deaths could be preventable? January is often filled with well-intentioned resolutions that could ultimately reduce the risk for a cancer diagnosis. Quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol and exercising more are all great first steps. In addition to helping prevent cancer, these lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of several serious and chronic health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes.

As National Cancer Prevention Month kicks off in February, now is a great time to consider a few more ways to lower your risk:

1. Learn about the cancer risk factors that affect you. Take stock of your family history of different types of cancer. Be aware of how certain other health and hereditary conditions could affect your cancer risk. Learn about what lifestyle changes you could make to lower your risk. The more you know, the better choices you can make about your health.

2. Talk with your doctor about cancer screenings. Be proactive about your health. Schedule a wellness exam and ask about appropriate cancer screenings. Depending on your age and risk factors, you may need to schedule a skin cancer screening, mammogram, prostate exam, colorectal screening, pap smear or lung cancer screening. Ask your physician about the risk factors, how they apply to your situation and what you can do to help prevent cancer.

3. Introduce one new healthy habit at a time. Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. Start small by making one positive change to your daily routine. For example, drink water instead of soda with your meals or take a short walk in the evenings. Then, as you master one habit, add another one.

4. Challenge a friend to join you. Tell a family member or friend what you’re up to and ask if they want to join you. You may both agree to adopt the same healthy habit or schedule a cancer screening. Together, you can motivate each other.

National Cancer Prevention Month serves as an important reminder that you have a lot of power over your health. Now’s a good time to use it.