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Supportive Care doctor speaking with patient

Although cancer is a physical illness, it can have an enormous psychological impact on both the patient and their family. After receiving a cancer diagnosis, it is common to experience a range of intense emotions, which may include fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, sadness and hope. Some patients are inclined to deny or minimize their condition, which can prevent them from seeking timely and appropriate treatment. Others may prefer not to talk about it at all. Even a patient who already has a strong support system in place can struggle with their diagnosis and treatment, leading to overwhelming feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

The emotional whirlwind that often follows a cancer diagnosis can interfere with the patient’s ability to cope, make decisions and manage side effects. For these reasons and others, psychological support is a crucial element of cancer treatment. A trained specialist can help the patient and their family navigate the challenges of living with cancer, improve their quality of life and enhance their overall well-being. By addressing some of the psychological barriers to care, an onco-psychology specialist can also improve the patient’s treatment adherence and outcome.

Psychological support for cancer patients

The human element is at the heart of every patient’s cancer journey. An onco-psychology specialist can support the mental and emotional well-being of the patient while helping them navigate the myriad challenges that are unique to a cancer diagnosis and treatment. This may include:

  • Providing individual and family counseling and therapy 
  • Conducting psychological and behavioral assessments
  • Collaborating with oncologists and other healthcare providers
  • Educating patients and their families about the psychological aspects of cancer
  • Offering coping strategies, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques
  • Leading support groups for patients and caregivers
  • Engaging in clinically driven research to continually improve psychological interventions and outcomes 

In addition to strong communication and interpersonal skills, an onco-psychology specialist must have empathy as well as a deep understanding of the psychological aspects of cancer care. 

Psychology career opportunities at Moffitt Cancer Center

Moffitt is widely known and respected for providing world-class cancer care, which extends far beyond diagnostic and treatment services. We have established a comprehensive Supportive Care Program to promote the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of our patients through psychological support and other individualized services. As integral members of our multispecialty team, our psychology support specialists play a vital role in supporting our patients and their families throughout their treatment journey and beyond.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as an onco-psychology specialist at Moffitt, apply now, and join us in shaping a cancer-free future.