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Today, we celebrate Moffitt’s 35th anniversary! On Oct. 27, 1986, Moffitt Cancer Center opened its doors to our first patients and began a journey that has touched countless lives in the fight against cancer. 

As we reflect on this milestone, we are also reminded of the drive and tenacity of our founder H. Lee Moffitt who, after losing three dear friends to the disease, worked tirelessly to establish a world-class cancer center right here in Florida. In just my short time at Moffitt, I’ve seen that same determination shine through in every team member I’ve met. From the original 409 to the more than 7,500 team members we have today, you truly are the heart and soul of this institution and what has made Moffitt a special place of healing for all these years. 

Last week, I had the opportunity to meet many of our team members who have been here since opening our doors. Listening to their stories and memories, I was reminded that even though we may have traded in paper charts for supercomputing over the decades, our singular mission to prevent and cure cancer has been our guiding light, and our commitment to saving lives has never been stronger.

To all of our team members, whether today is your first day at Moffitt or you’re also celebrating 35 years, thank you for all you do for our mission and our patients! 
